Saturday, April 25, 2009

see below

working titles of this post

I'm Centered
Amazing World we Live in

I went for a very much needed walk/jog on the local State Forest Trail and am working on honing my bird id. Here's my list, I'm pretty impressed with this amateur ok, maybe not, but seeing so many birds and so many calls I couldn't id was amazing and just being outside this a.m. was so what I needed.

Red-winged blackbird
Chickadee--got to see coming out of a hole in a snag
Wild turkey--gave me quite a start as I saw something moving in the woods, then came running across the path and took flight right
Bald eagle being attacked (flogged, is that the right word?) by an American Crow
Red tailed hawk and by sound!
Downy woodpecker (95% downy not hairy)
Northern cardinal
American robin
?? wren, uniform brown color on the ground and in the shrubs/dried grass, very short tail, very small body.
White-throated sparrow, and oh my, I've been thinking this call was one of the variations of the chickadees! Wow, completely corrected my own misconception!
House sparrows perhaps, would they have been along the marshy section of my walk? What ever it was it made a chipping type sound was mostly gray with brown on the back, had little markings on the front, at most a faint necklace with pendant, distinct stripes on the head.

by sound only
blue jay
mourning dove
wood pecker??
and western chorus frogs

And in our yard lately there's been a large flock of Cedar waxwings and a few Ruby-crowned kinglets, along with the other typicals: robin, mourning dove, cardinal, chickadees, juncos, . . .
From Spring 2009

From Spring 2009
From Spring 2009
From Spring 2009
From Spring 2009

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