Saturday, March 27, 2010

Birthday delights

I love birthdays, including my own. How cool is it that we get to celebrate someone else just simply being! Today was pretty special. I feel pretty special. Both my guys made me feel pretty special. I was brought coffee this morning and chocolate last night. I received a couple of planted seeds, that I can't wait to nurture to fruit-literally (cantaloupe and pumpkin, hand picked by my favorite four year old). A day full of packing. A run of errands, a quick walk with my guys, and finally a special dinner made and cleaned up by not me.

A delicious salmon strawberry mango mmmmmmm delicioso.
From Spring 2010

And a tall tower cake, this high!! Made and designed by my favorite little man. I love you both. One of my favorite birthdays ever!
From Spring 2010

From Spring 2010

Day one of packing

Here's to boxes and chaos. But also the excitement of a new home and some wonderful family who can take some toddler items off our hands.
From Spring 2010
Occupying himself during packing chaos.

New stuff

I should remember that not everyone in the world is on Facebook. And frankly, I should not be on Facebook. But atlas I haven't been able to give it up. So let me give you all an update on what's new in this house.

We bought a new house. We're renting our current place, at least for the next year.
From Spring 2010

From Spring 2010

More photos at Picasa.

Secondly, Kingsley is in a language boom and his class is really taking advantage of it. He wrote with the movable alphabet "bunyrabit" and "swimglsns" among other things. That's better than Brad can do. Picture coming.

Third, it's spring and the river is super high. Probably the highest it's been since we moved here.
From Spring 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

Procrastination, Perfection, or Writer's Block

So I haven't been posting here lately, and I notice I rarely stick with anything for too long. Is it the many ideas swimming in my head that overwhelm me so the rest of me goes running for the hills to hide. I'm not sure. I could go on and on about my inner turmoil but that's for my shrink to figure out not you all.

Besides, I could look at it like this . . . What's really wrong with the people that feel the need to be good at everything. Ah yes that makes me feel better. Only for a moment tho, now I wonder why I must divide everything into good and not good. Ok, I'll write that down for therapy too.

As for Magoo, I think he's in a language boom. He's way more chatty lately, that's always fun (seriously and sarcastically). I caught myself nearly stifling it yesterday as he wouldn't stop talking and as I'm not used to it I turned and rather sourly said, "WHAT." Oh yeah, don't I want him to talk, must it only be on my terms? Sorry hun, go on with what you were saying.

Pretty much most of the time I feel like I could just eat him up. Not that I like to eat children, I don't. I just think he looks particularly sweet (and tasty). I remember having the feeling when he was born that I just wanted him to be a part of me. Remember on Terminator when the metal just oozes back into the guy, that's what I want, not really to eat him but for him to be like a piece of mercury, can ooze together yet also function as a separate little bead of mercury.

Have we mentioned we're buying a new house? I'm thrilled and nervous. It will be so beautiful, I can't wait to share it with you.

Have I mentioned I'm going back to school this summer? Montessori Training. I'm thrilled and nervous. But as I've been working on my application I've been getting more and more excited.

Is that enough new news?