Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Pink Think

I've been thinking and reading about pink. And I came here now to say, I embrace the pink. Let him have his pink. Let him embrace the color and stop calling it a girl color. Afterall, I have asked, "It's a color how can it have a gender?" But then, just as I begin to type one more thought comes into my head. . . he's four, is it fair for me to send him out to fight this battle for taking pink back for the guys. He doesn't have a clue what he's getting into. Then another thought. . . perhaps that's exactly why I should let him have his pink room with flowers on it because he's the perfect unwitting little pink soldier.

OK, maybe the real thing is I should stop psycho analyzing his color choice and paint his stinkin' room what ever color he wants it. If he loves it great. If he gets teased we deal with that, when and if it happens. If he gets tired of it, or changes his mind, or plain old doesn't like it before I have the time or money to paint it again he'll have to accept that. Isn't that what parenting is all about? So pink or what ever color. . . that's what it'll be. I can't wait to see what he picks out. Embrace the free spirit; Lord knows I need to WAY more often then I do.

His room might end up all pink and flowers, but his head screams, chocolate chip maker, fossil hunter, and submarine owner . . . And it's not that I'm OK with these choices because they're boy choices (and that gives me/him balance) it's because they're just great choices that are his means to learning right now!

PS. Thanks Auntie T-bone for sending me some Pink Think.

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