Thursday, August 28, 2008

First day of School

I'm standing in the kitchen scooping dinner intoa bowl and Magoo grabs my hands and says, "Can you do it like that." When I fold my hands together , not really knowing what he wants me to do, he also folds his hands and says, "for food, for play, for (something inaudible)." It takes me a second and I realize he's saying grace.

At dinner we ask him how his day was. He says "I played on the playground with my teachers. My class-room has a lide. I played in my class-room. I slept on my own cot-ton. I went to the bakery and had a lellow cookie and I finally finished it. And I had some milk." I asked if he had circle time, sat on a circle for songs. He said yes. I asked if he had a picture on his circle and what was the picture. He said it was of Kingswee. His teachers said he didn't like playing in the gym or the playground with the big kids, but they'll be gone next week. He ate well and had a great day in his classroom. What a full day! Don't they grow up too fast?

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