Please, I beg, next time you're at a conferenec please keep these in mind...
Please silence your cell phone.
Please turn off the audio response on your iphone or itouch keypad. That clicking sound is loud and really disrtacting.
Please, if you need some candy or a snack during the hour long breakout, please get it out of it's wrapper quickly and get rid of the wrapper. Special note, please do not eat Smarties, retrieving them one at a time from the wrapper. If you must eat Smarties, may I suggest you open the wrapper and pour them into your hand or onto your lap and get rid of the wrapper. It's very loud.
Also, please don't click your pen in and out repeatedly. It's also very loud.
Apparently I'm very sound sensitive in conferences!
If it's a crowded room and you are arriving late and have a plate full of food and a cup of tea, maybe you should just stand in the back or come in after you've had your breakfast. You probably shouldn't squeeze into the only open seat in the middle of the seating. It's also very distracting.
And if you are a presenter and signed up to be a presenter to show off what you are doing, then please have confidence in what you are doing and stand up there and teach us about it.
And if you are a presenter, presenting on the uses of technology, please don't use power point if you don't know how to use it. You lose all credibility that way.
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