Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Day 6, Sept. 30: A glimpse of Shanghai

A long bus drive has provided us with our last long goodbyes. Farewell new friends. Until we meet again! We are off in search of dinner. A thirty minute cab drive attempts to help me understand what 23 million people look like. I believe, in correctly, that I will never get my head around this many people (I do not know what I will experience the next day). We locate a Shanghai McDonalds and a Chinese food court. Everyone is happy! We make arrangements for tickets for a boat cruise and begin the long walk to the dock. At the dock the boat is over booked. But our “travel agent” has been spotted, and we are quickly on board. We wait for the waters and snacks while the others are approached by a member of the boat crew. Without their translator they hold their breath in anticipation of what will happen next. Will they be escorted off the boat without their translator? They are escorted into a VIP room with a large table and comfortable chairs and a glass panoramic view of the city. Finally, we have left the dock, but as always I am antsy to actively absorb the experience and struggle to sit down in the glass room. Two of us head up stairs where many locals sit near the rail and observe the river from a electric vantage point. We squeeze as close to the bow as we can, away from the diesel smell and into the wind. I could stay here all night. The water soothes my soul and the lights are electrifying. Later, I will attempt to once again put off retreating to the confines of the hotel room. Even walking in the fresh air is both relaxing and exhilarating.

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