Friday, August 10, 2012

Content of their Character!

My response to the two letters below... there many other great comments under Mr. Kennear's as well. First I appreciate your letter and that you're even beginning to think about these tough topics for the future. Being a parent is the hardest thing I've ever worked at. I've composed many of these types of conversations in my own head over the years. Like how would I talk to my child should he/she be addicted to drugs or have an eating disorder or be gay or heaven forbid head to some career path I'm less than satisfied with for him/her, or choose to move to the opposite side of the globe from me, or not have any children... I decided long before the birth of my one and only to try very hard to not live my life through him. He's 6 now, and we have very open candid conversations about everything. When we drove by a trailer park in our town he asked me what that was; since he's not in public school yet, he didn't know. I explained the benefits of living in a trailer park (affordable, less to yard to care for, close neighbors, etc.) and the cons (closer neighbors, less yard to play in) He listens to NPR with us, so when Chick-fil-a was on the news he asked what they were talking about. We talked openly about the controversy around gay marriage. We talked about how some of the people he knew would be impacted and hurt by those comments but how people can make those comments. We talk about love and being a good person, treating others with respect and standing up for yourself. In MLK's words it's the content of their character that matters. In sum, my son is a sensitive boy who plays very well with both boys and girls. He plays house and Star Wars Legos. He chose pink mittens for three winters. He sews and sword fights. I'm hopeful I will know he's gay when he does if he is, but mostly I hope he never needs a letter like that from me because I hope through many future conversations he and his friends will know our house is a safe house. And I bet you will find the same in your raising of your children! Thanks for writing the letter, perhaps I will write one if the time comes not because he needs one but because he'll have the tangible words to hold onto. Huffington Post's Letter First Letter How awful!

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