Oh, I am so thrilled with June's arrival. We've almost completed painting our exterior! Hurray, tho the basement is a total disaster and dishes seem to keep piling up, how does that happen? I emptied my craft area to sort it out, sorta, I'm in complete influx. It needs to be cleared out to move to the next project, installing the new hot water heater we've had sitting in the basement for over a year! Then too, I really hate to put everything back to just remove it later this summer when the basement remodel begins, but I'm afraid I will begin tackling it, hmmmmm, next week. The exterior will be done and classes begin again for B. so I can get some sort of a routine going.
Anyway, that and school ending way back in earlier May is what has kept me away. So What's happened since then??
Happy Mother's Day. I spent a wonderful day with my own mother and my sister and our significant others and Magoo, whom I've found I'm mostly calling Munch (as in munchkin) or punkin/punkin head as my dad taught me. We went on a great picnic and played a great round of mini golf. Munch thoroughly enjoyed it and described the day to us repeatedly since.
Hockey or Golf?

Very fun mini golf course
We also celebrated the 4th birthday of another friend and while I can't post the pictures of the kiddos at the party the decorations were so fantastic straight out of a magazine I have to share them here. This mom is amazing, her sense of style and art and how she herself and her creations including but not limited to her children can bring sunshine into even the darkest of rooms!
He's talking and saying such fantastic things lately, it's so fun, we're moving a little beyond the questioning everything phase. Today he read me a book. It was a new book we've never read before about a platypus, I'm not sure he knows this animal ut he looked at the pictures and told me a story as I turned the pages. I mostly remember that it was about a pududdle (platypus??) swimming and then "finding another pududlle but no it was a beaver but it was friendly and so he was happy . . .)
One more thing, I'll snap a photo next time . . . we rode on our favorite trail today to the creek and Munch has learned to lift his feet and coast while riding his skuut! But even more fun is his friend, let's call her Sweets, she rode up next to him and said "I love you, tingsley." He said, "Do you like my helmet, it has blue flames?" Such a guy already? But wait he redeems himself!
Near the end of the ride, and they rode a long way, he rides next to Sweets and says "I love you." To which she replies to her mom, "I need to get off my bike and give him a hug." So she dismounts walks the one step to him give him a hug, rather, they hug. As she steps away, wait for it here comes his redemption, he says, "I need to give you a kiss, Sweets." He bumps her in trying to raise her head and sweetly apologizes then gives her a kiss. This is a regular occurrence for the two of them, this kissing, don't worry we're watching them, though it's not a match we object to. Of course Sweets is well sweet but there's a few others we'd approve of as well, as if we'd get any say.